Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Bright Star over the Half Moon - CLP Day 6

It was a rainy Saturday night once more, but then the skies were cleared to show a bright star (could be a planet for its brightness) over the half moon. Today is Day 6 of the CLP, and we had a double talk: Talk 5, Christian Ideal of Loving God and Talk 6, Loving your Neighbor  I came early because I have yet to have an OTO with Bro. Den. A mass was being held at the chapel when I came in; nonetheless we proceeded with the OTO. I was glad to confide myself with someone who I only met just a couple of weeks ago. I trust him, and I trust the whole community. I felt the sense of belongingness here, so I will no longer be the shy and reserved guy I always was.

One by one, the participants arrived along with the Service Team. While waiting for others, I had a chat with one of them, Sis. Eden. I hope to have more conversations like this with the others.

I also thought that we will be changing locations this time since the chapel is being prepared for the festivities tomorrow. Rosario will celebrate its Feast on Sunday, so all the chapels were being reserved as such. Thank God that Bro. Elmar was able to settle things out with the authorities, and so we continued.

Not to miss the praise and worship songs for today. This time, since we’re already on Module 2, we can now be more expressive in our songs through clapping or raising our hands.

You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord I lift your name on high
There’s nothing more I want
There’s nothing more I need
Than to be with you
I give you a new commandment
Love one another
As I have loved you
You must also love one another
This is how they will know that you are My disciples
If you love one another

Our speakers for the day were long-time members of SFC, and are now part of Couples for Christ, Bro. John and Sis. Lea. Bro. John was the first to take the stage with his lessons on the Christian Ideal of loving God. The topic revolved on the first commandment: to Love God as he loves us. This can be done by loving him with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and all our strength (Mt 22:36-38; Mk 12:28-30). This is characterized by a personal commitment, a decision, a clean and holy mind, and giving our 3 Ts (Time, Talent, Treasure).  It is good to say “I love God” in our happy times, but the real challenge is saying the same words in our times of trial. This is how Sis. Melai showed the strength of her faith, despite the grief her family is in right now for losing one of their members (and also a Bro in SFC), Bro. Matthew. I can’t help but shed a tear as Sis. Melai shares how she withstood this challenge and continued loving God at that time. It brought me back to a similar situation, probably the longest and most cruel 40 minutes of my life: seeing my father on his deathbed. How I wish I was as strong as her back then. I am sending my sympathies to her family. 

Next to talk is Bro. John’s, GGG (nice term, I hope to use this also someday :) ), Sis. Lea. Jesus simplified the 10 Commandments sent through Moses into two:  first, to Love God, and second, to love our neighbors  She mentioned a lot of bible verses on love, mostly from the Gospel of John and from the Letter to the Corinthians. “God is love” is one of the widely known definitions of love. I smiled when my best-loved definition of love was also brought up, from 1 Cor 13: 1-13. This time I learned something new, to replace “Love” with “I”. With this, we will not only get a characteristic of love, but also a way on how we should act according to His will. Bro. Jhat is the sharer for this talk. I wish I can do what he had done for his family and how he dedicated himself to the community.

The usual group sharing after the talks immediately came next, and I’m really getting used to the “pogi clap” we devised. Let me be one just this time ^_^.

There ends Day 6 of CLP.

After the session, I joined the service team along with some participants to Bro. Matthew’s wake. We had a vigil ‘til 1 am. Again, I’m praying for the eternal repose of his soul, and may God have mercy on him.

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